I have aways believed that our energetic field is responsible for our physical and mental wellbeing. In fact you could say I had a "sixth sense" or "intuition" about people and their potential health or emotional states. I started by giving clients readings and would help them see where the problem could be coming from. I realised that in most cases an physical ailment was always born out of an emotional issue, whether in the conscious or subconscious mind. 

Our minds are one of the most powerful muscles in the body and our conscious mind is the smallest part of our "thinking brain".  The subconscious is storing every thought, emotion memory and lesson we ever process and therefore sometimes we are not even aware of what affects our general state. For the most part, our subconscious mind is stifled by our will and logic in the conscious and therefore even when we would like to 'get over' something our brain won't let us learn new behaviour or store it in the subconscious, hence why being in a meditative state can work so well. You are quieting the conscious mind in order to heal old habits and learn and store new ones, therefore affecting the entire balance of energy flowing through the body. 

There are many methods in which we, as practitioners, can address this balance and restore it. After much research I have found they fall into two categories, hands on therapy (Reiki, holistic massage, reflexology etc) and talking therapy (Counselling, meditation, hypnotherapy etc).

I started studying Reiki and its methods over ten years ago, I have been attuned to Reiki First Degree (Shoden) and Second Degree (Okuden) for over three years now.  I am a member of I.P.T.I and am fully insured with Public liability insurance. Please read more about Reiki here

In order to have a full spectrum of knowledge in being able to help my clients, I am now branching out in my therapeutic offerings and studying a degree in Psychology and Counselling.

I look forward to offering Reiki to my existing and new clients. I will keep you all updated in how my studies are going and what new and wonderful methods we can use together in order to restore peace, calm and good health in our lives.

See you soon!

Melissa Coleman MIPTI